By Atticus Finch, Esq.
01/15/14 2:34PM
As a general rule of thumb, NDAs cover the individuals listed within the agreement. I see that this agreement is only between you and the factory owner. In that case, you will need to have all employees sign an NDA if you intend to prevent anyone who is given access to your hot sauce recipes from taking them to the public. As a general rule of thumb, NDAs cover the individuals listed within the agreement. I see that this agreement is only between you and the factory owner. In that case, you will need to have all employees sign an NDA if you intend to prevent anyone who is given access to your As a general rule of thumb, NDAs cover the individuals listed within the agreement. I see that this agreement is only between you and the factory owner. In that case, you will need to have all employees sign an NDA if you intend to prevent anyone who is given access to your hot sauce recipes from taking them to the public. As a general rule of thumb, NDAs cover the individuals listed within the agreement. I see that this agreement is only between you and the factory owner. In that case, you will need to have all employees sign an NDA if you intend to prevent anyone who is given access to your.
Atticus Finch
Finch & Partners Law Group
Birmingham, AL
Birmingham, AL
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